Friday, March 2, 2012


 yay! my english teacher told us that this term we will be reading a novel which is good cause preferably i would like school to be just sitting in the library reading and thats it! also my maths teacher is sick which equals no homework so i dont have to sit and stare at the page wondering how come my maths teacher said this is easy and that we have done it before when its super hard and i don't remember doing it before! i guess that what you get when your in the top class still you'd think he would check that everyone HAD done it before he gave out the homework oh well my mum helps me through it so its ok!

last nights dinner was the best we had Tacos nothing special but i was starving and had four and they were so yummy, opps there i go letting everything i think come out my mouth i'm supposed to be working on that but i haven't got the hang of sorting through my thoughts finding one relevent to what everyone else is talking about and then making it appropriate and then saying it! oh well i will get there one day!

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